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Camden Lane Law Chambers
Suite 606
130 Spadina Avenue
Office: (416) 599 - 7200
Mobile: (416) 997 - 7504
Past Cases
A small representative selection of past cases at FCL includes the following:
J.B., First Degree Murder charge dismissed at the preliminary hearing.
K.C. First Degree Murder charges withdrawn after FCL demanded disclosure of information that undermined the credibility of the Crown's key witness.
S.P., Second Degree Murder charge withdrawn after FCL obtained evidence using a private investigator that damaged the Crown's case.
T.T., acquitted of Second Degree Murder although evidence proved he had caused the injury that led to the death.
J.D., acquitted of Attempt Murder and numerous Firearms offences even though cell phone activity, DNA evidence, and taxi video put him at the scene of the shooting and clothing found in his bedroom tested positive for gun shot residue.
W.A., Second Degree Murder charge withdrawn in exchange for a plea to Manslaughter and a sentence of time served after FCL seriously damaged the Crown's case at the preliminary inquiry.
K.C., acquitted of First Degree Murder and Attempted Murder where the Crown's key witness testified that he provided the gun for the shooting and stood next to the client as the fatal shot was fired.
C.M., Attempted Murder charge dismissed at the preliminary hearing after FCL successfully argued lack of sufficient evidence on identity.
J.W., acquitted of Attempted Murder after being caught running from the scene of a stabbing holding a knife with the victim's still wet blood on it.
G.J., acquitted of Kidnapping and Firearms related charges where the complainant had been held for a number of hours and identified the client in Court as his assailant.
M.W. acquitted of Aggravated Assault after evidence called from a number of witnesses that he had committed the assault.
C.S. acquitted of Sexual Assault and Forcible Confinement after cross-examination by FCL cast doubt on the credibility of the complainant.
S.G., acquitted of Sexual Assault on the basis of mistaken belief in consent.
V.G., Sexual Assault charges withdrawn.
H.H., Sexual Assault charge dismissed at the preliminary hearing on the basis of identity despite evidence from the complainant that the client was her assailant.
K.J., Firearms charges for multiple guns stayed after FCL successfully challenged the search warrant used by police.
C.M., Kidnapping and Firearms charges stayed after FCL successfully challenged the delay to bring the case to trial.
S.E., acquitted of Firearms charges in a gang project trial.
D.P., multiple Firearms charges withdrawn after FCL persuaded the Crown that there was no prospect of conviction.
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